It's been one long week since my discussion with Dapo and his shocking revelation to me. I am more concerned about making my marriage work right now, than having to worry about other stuff.....I would get back to that in good time!
Through the week, I had been thinking of what to to prevent my world from crashing down on me. Since my past is important to Dapo...since he obviously would like to know all the details, I decided to tell him all of it. So, I called him after the close of work and asked him to meet me up at an eat-out close to my office. He was 15mins late...but he no worries. Told him what i ahd decided to do....he smiled and said "that would do for a start". Hmmm....for a start? Like it wasn't good enough? I told him everything...from drinking and smoking....trying a few drags of cannabis...the whole university life downloaded to him! And just incase there were things i may have failed to mention....maybe forgot some details, I gave him the opportunity to ask me whatever he felt like. And he did....and I answered with all honesty and sincerity.
In the end of it all, he told me he felt better, he was happy that I opened up to him and it would go a long way. He said he also realised that he had been wrong to listen to an outsider and judge me....even going as far as hanging out with strange girls just to get back to me and try his way through forgiving me! Really!? Now that explains the phone calls....and his not touching me for over 4months. Explained what he meant by telling me I had lost the right hand seat by his side the other night at Jabi Lake.
Dapo said he had forgiven me. I was relieved...happy! Everything would return back to normal.....and maybe we could start having's time to build an actual home! Saturday....the night! I was doing the usual cleaning and laundry. Got a bit tired and sat on d curious and picked Dapo's phone. He had gone for a run that morning, so I had enough time to browse through. Felt a little awkward as this was something I usually don't indulge in. But hey, who am I deceiving? My husband told me he went out hanging with a few girls because he was trying to forgive me..."my past". The other day, he received a call that had him sounding like a new groom....and her I am, sitting next to "the answer"...why not find out!
So...I did! And did I find out more than I could handle. I broke down...I practically rolled all over the bathroom floor. Dapo had cheated on me...not once...not twice....not even five times! Trying to forgive me....his wife...for no wrong that I did to him. I didn't want him to know that I had gone through his phone, so i switched it off to make it look like he did so last night. I went about my usual business, he must not know!
I watched him, everyday...I made sure he never suspected anything. I was the same...I still loved him, still cared for him, still allowed him touch me....I still made love to him like nothing was wrong! On Wednesday evening, Dapo called me at work and said he'd be home early. Asked me to take an excuse from work so we could have some time out together. I got home, and there he was...all dressed up, ran some warm-water for me to shower with and picked out something simple from my closet. While in the bathroom, I told myself he wanted to open up to me about the women he cheated on me with. I practiced how to respond, if to let him know that I knew or to act like I was naive.
He took me to The Bar, where we first met. We got talking....different things...from work to movies and silly jokes. He never mentioned anything about cheating. He only apologised for giving my time to other women...not a thing about sleeping with them. Not a single thing! I started to get pissed....felt cheated and betrayed, so I asked! "Dapo", I started..."during the time you were trying to forgive me, or working towards forgiving me, did you cheat on me?" He looked me straight in the eyes and said..."cheat on you?"..."yes" I said...."like kiss anyone, sleep with anyone precisely?"
Back home, I curled like a cold reptile on my side of the bed...not wanting any part of him to touch me. I would have forgave him if he told me the truth. "Have you been seeing someone lately?"...Dapo asked from the bathroom door....I turned around and looked at him...."me?", I asked..."yes Cheta, have you been seeing any man?". 'I am a happily married woman....and I love my husband no matter what...and no, I have not seen or been seeing any man or boy since you!"
I fell ill a few days after Wednesday outing with Dapo....I was pregnant! As much as I wanted to start a family...a proper home with Dapo, I just didn't think the pregnancy came at the appropriate time. I didn't want to be held down to a cheating husband by having a child for him in the midst of all the uncertainties. I got rid of the pregnancy! I had nothing to worry about because Dapo didn't know I was pregnant. I started to feel irritated by him....his every move got me really sick! I gave excuses everytime he tried to touch me. I couldn't care less....he was already sleeping around even when I submitted to him willingly....why bother now?
One day, while at work, I was just coming out of a presentation which I did perfectly well. My team members were congratulating me with hugs and handshakes and a few high-fives. It had been a very hectic day, so I, Greg and Ifeoma went to have lunch, while at it, Ifeoma's husband called to take her home. I was left with Greg....just as we stepped out of the canteen...laughing at a joke someone cracked while we were still inside, I saw Dapo...standing by my me the death stare. I walked to him and said.."you surprised me or came to catch me with "the mystery man?" To my amazement, he pulled me to the passenger's side and practically shoved me in on the seat.
Without the chance to get my bag or announce my departure, Dapo took me home. Driving the streets of Abuja like a lunatic! Getting home, he accused me of sleeping around, disrespecting him infront of my colleagues....called me all sort of names! Hmmm.....I just stood there, looking at him like something from an unbelievably impossible movie. There he was, judging and saying all sort of things...a man who cheated on me and still doesn't have the guts to own up to his wrongs and sort his issues out. A man who feels justified for his waywardness by blaming it on the "sins from my past".
Boy, am I glad I got rid of that pregnancy! As horrible a thing it is to do, I feel like i did myself a huge favour. From this day on, I have decided to either end this and walk out of the marriage, or be at peace with myself by doing all the things he has accused me of....things he will keep accusing me of! Why take the blame over and over for something I didn't even conceve the thought of doing, when I might as well do it and take whatever accusations he has in store for me!?
Karma got to me through Dapo....I might as well be his Karma!
Saturday, October 25, 2014
I used to always brag about marrying my bestfriend....having the best husband and the perfect home. I have been married for 4years now to the man every good woman deserves...a man who would spend his extra time with me, take me to all his outings, made so much noise about me on all his social network pages and profiles. I am blessed to be married to Dapo....or cursed!
I am 28years old, a graduate and I earn a good pay working with one of the top advertisement firms in the Country. 5years ago, I went out to a bar where I always spend the extra-hours before going home to sleep through one of the many movies I buy every weekend at the corner shop. "May I join you?"...looking up to see who was asking was this young man, probably in his mid-thirties, wearing grey pants, sparkling white shirt, black belt, black shoes...and he smelt good...fresh, like he just had a shower and dabbed some old spice after-shave. I moved to the edge of the couch...he sat and sighed like he'd been standing on a long friday afternoon queue at the bank. We got talking, found out he just got caught....cheating on his girlfriend with one of her friends. That made my skin crawl! Oh well! that's non of my business...I mean, I had just broken up with my boyfriend of eight months.....eight months of all the bliss and love and all those wonderful things in a perfect relationship. Shit really does happen! I and le stranger had a good time, talking and laughing and judging where we both went wrong in our past relationships, made silly jokes about ourselves...our exes too! I held nothing back talking to Grey-pants and it felt really good, like I'd known him all my life. Going to The Bar became more exciting, it was now beyond the music, shisha and the different cocktails I always looked forward to!
Fastforward to 3months.....I and Dapo (Grey-pants) got married! Oh yes we was more like we knew each other so well and had nothing to hide. But it wasn't really so. my marriage had been beautiful...perfect and peaceful until I had reasons to start questioning Dapo's change of attitude towards me. You know how they say a jealous woman does better search than the FBI...well, I became a secret agent added to the FBI. Something was amiss. Dapo who woild take me everywhere and kiss me all over and all those things that ladies like, just stopped...without a warning....just like that!
I got so scared that my marriage would end and my jealous friends would laugh....I was even more devastated at the thought of a fasiled marriage than i was of the actual thing. so, one day i decided to take Dapo out to Jabi Lake at night when my face and emotions would be hidden in the dark and I could open up to how his attitude had gotten to me. He had his hands in his pockets while we stood by the he was trying to let me know that nothing sweet was going to go down! i started...."D-boy, you and I know that things haven't been fine with us...our relationship these past months, if at all I have done something" ......"something? think it's just something you did or said?"....I was happy he was saying something...that's a step to solving this whole thing. "Chetachi, if it was just that, then I would not be like this with have no idea, do you?". At that point, I just wanted to dissolve into my shadow. What in the world could I have done? I never crossed the line with any man....never cheated or came close....I'm good with his family...friends....reasonably and safely so! I could just fall down and die right now. "just tell me what it is exactly"...."oh yes I definitely will tell you"! My heart was beating so hard I could hear it in my head...i'm sure my veins even looked like they would burst.
I stood at the door and watched my marriage and happiness drive out the premises as the break-lights dimmed away. I had no-one to confide in...nobody to talk to. Dapo had been the only true friend I have had all these years and I never discussed our relationship with anyone. It was so hard to digest all he told me. All he had done in the name of trying to forgive me. All he had done to me....for things I did in the past. How convenient!
So Dapo came across an old friend of mine some months ago. We were close...friends....with benefits. we never dated, we just were comfortable with each other as we were. His name was Fisayo...he was dark, tall, wasn't such a looker, had good sense of humour and a horrible dress! He was a good friend. I could count on him anytime-anyday! He was my a dude to a dude! I met my ex and we had to stop all the benefits thing and remain just friends....but somehow, it didn't work, so we sort of drifted apart and lost contact.
Many years after that, Fisayo met Dapo...they became friends and shit started to roll out. Now, Fisayo knew everything about me.....everything! Finding out that I and Dapo were married, he started to spill...not like I had anything to hide, but I believe in the past remaining in the past, right!? Anyway....from all my past relationships to all the wrongs I'd done to exes....including Fisayo....he told Dapo!
Maybe I should have told Dapo while we were dating....but how would i have started? Not like i killed anyone....ok, I stole a few boyfriends...briefly, but I was just 22years old and in the university. Alot of things happened there! When I and Dapo met, I told him all about my life after school...the really recent stuff. How was I to know that all I did in Kindergarten would be important?
To cut this, Dapo dropped me off and asked me to think of how to sort this out...."our lives together is gradually crumbling down and you alone can rebuild this"...his words to me just before he received a call that had him sounding all sweet like he used to be with me....some months before Fisayo....
I am 28years old, a graduate and I earn a good pay working with one of the top advertisement firms in the Country. 5years ago, I went out to a bar where I always spend the extra-hours before going home to sleep through one of the many movies I buy every weekend at the corner shop. "May I join you?"...looking up to see who was asking was this young man, probably in his mid-thirties, wearing grey pants, sparkling white shirt, black belt, black shoes...and he smelt good...fresh, like he just had a shower and dabbed some old spice after-shave. I moved to the edge of the couch...he sat and sighed like he'd been standing on a long friday afternoon queue at the bank. We got talking, found out he just got caught....cheating on his girlfriend with one of her friends. That made my skin crawl! Oh well! that's non of my business...I mean, I had just broken up with my boyfriend of eight months.....eight months of all the bliss and love and all those wonderful things in a perfect relationship. Shit really does happen! I and le stranger had a good time, talking and laughing and judging where we both went wrong in our past relationships, made silly jokes about ourselves...our exes too! I held nothing back talking to Grey-pants and it felt really good, like I'd known him all my life. Going to The Bar became more exciting, it was now beyond the music, shisha and the different cocktails I always looked forward to!
Fastforward to 3months.....I and Dapo (Grey-pants) got married! Oh yes we was more like we knew each other so well and had nothing to hide. But it wasn't really so. my marriage had been beautiful...perfect and peaceful until I had reasons to start questioning Dapo's change of attitude towards me. You know how they say a jealous woman does better search than the FBI...well, I became a secret agent added to the FBI. Something was amiss. Dapo who woild take me everywhere and kiss me all over and all those things that ladies like, just stopped...without a warning....just like that!
I got so scared that my marriage would end and my jealous friends would laugh....I was even more devastated at the thought of a fasiled marriage than i was of the actual thing. so, one day i decided to take Dapo out to Jabi Lake at night when my face and emotions would be hidden in the dark and I could open up to how his attitude had gotten to me. He had his hands in his pockets while we stood by the he was trying to let me know that nothing sweet was going to go down! i started...."D-boy, you and I know that things haven't been fine with us...our relationship these past months, if at all I have done something" ......"something? think it's just something you did or said?"....I was happy he was saying something...that's a step to solving this whole thing. "Chetachi, if it was just that, then I would not be like this with have no idea, do you?". At that point, I just wanted to dissolve into my shadow. What in the world could I have done? I never crossed the line with any man....never cheated or came close....I'm good with his family...friends....reasonably and safely so! I could just fall down and die right now. "just tell me what it is exactly"...."oh yes I definitely will tell you"! My heart was beating so hard I could hear it in my head...i'm sure my veins even looked like they would burst.
I stood at the door and watched my marriage and happiness drive out the premises as the break-lights dimmed away. I had no-one to confide in...nobody to talk to. Dapo had been the only true friend I have had all these years and I never discussed our relationship with anyone. It was so hard to digest all he told me. All he had done in the name of trying to forgive me. All he had done to me....for things I did in the past. How convenient!
So Dapo came across an old friend of mine some months ago. We were close...friends....with benefits. we never dated, we just were comfortable with each other as we were. His name was Fisayo...he was dark, tall, wasn't such a looker, had good sense of humour and a horrible dress! He was a good friend. I could count on him anytime-anyday! He was my a dude to a dude! I met my ex and we had to stop all the benefits thing and remain just friends....but somehow, it didn't work, so we sort of drifted apart and lost contact.
Many years after that, Fisayo met Dapo...they became friends and shit started to roll out. Now, Fisayo knew everything about me.....everything! Finding out that I and Dapo were married, he started to spill...not like I had anything to hide, but I believe in the past remaining in the past, right!? Anyway....from all my past relationships to all the wrongs I'd done to exes....including Fisayo....he told Dapo!
Maybe I should have told Dapo while we were dating....but how would i have started? Not like i killed anyone....ok, I stole a few boyfriends...briefly, but I was just 22years old and in the university. Alot of things happened there! When I and Dapo met, I told him all about my life after school...the really recent stuff. How was I to know that all I did in Kindergarten would be important?
To cut this, Dapo dropped me off and asked me to think of how to sort this out...."our lives together is gradually crumbling down and you alone can rebuild this"...his words to me just before he received a call that had him sounding all sweet like he used to be with me....some months before Fisayo....
Saturday, March 29, 2014
I spent the whole night pondering on Simon's attitude towards me the last couple of months. I had never in all our sweet 8years relationship ever thought it would get to this. I felt like I was paying him a few Naira to be my fiance and his actions were like a protest to the poor "relationship allowance". I have dated a few men....had my heart broken, but non of those relationships were this hurtful.
I got up from the bed to do a few chores without a word to him as I walked past him trying to make himself a cup of tea. He said goodmorning to me...I looked at him over my shoulders and smiled. After the chores, I had my bath, took my time to wear a full make-up (something I hadn't done in like forever), I picked out a nice dress, sandals and my bag....all the while I was dressing, I wasn't sure I was going anywhere. As I got to the door....I said to him..."I'll be out with friends....see you later"! He was about to say something when I shut the door and walked to my car. I started the engine, did a second check on my make-up through the rear-mirror....smiled and drove off!
I parked about three streets away to call very good friend....we actually had been naughty a few times but still remained good friends. When we were friends with benefits, there were no jealousy or fights or anything like was the best relationship i had ever been in. I drove to his house, quite close to my office and spent the entire afternoon telling him about Simon's new attitude and how it made me feel. What he did the previous night was the height of it all.....I could only believe that he made everything up just to have an excuse to hang-out with whoever that girl on the phone was. Salim thought I had to catch him red-handed before concluding on that! We took a drive in his car to the cinema.....had ice-cream and a few shots of Vodka and Coke. I needed to shop for a few things, so he took me to a super-store where I picked three bottles of different alcoholic wines....including Absolut!
Back at Salim's house, it was close to 8pm and we had been drinking. He got up to receive a call in the was definitely a lady. When he got back, I told him I was leaving..."I didn't mean to bore you with my relationship problems". I held my sandals in my hand and dragged my bag on the floor. Getting to the door, he held my hand and said he wanted me to stay.....I pulled the door open and just there infront of me, was the pretty Samira! She and Salim were dating when I had stuff with him....she hated me and still did...she stared the living soul out of me. At that moment, I found my way around her and walked away. I got to my car and couldn't find my keys.....I leaned over the trunk of my car and cried....I felt unwanted and hopeless. I could not go back into the house, I was crying for so many reasons....the man I called my fiance hadn't called to check on me...he was probably having a swell time in the house without missing me. I called Nike to spend the night at her house....she didn't pick, at that point, I felt like my life was over! I decided to damn whatever was going to happen and went to get my keys....just before I got to the door, Samira stormed out of the house...she looked me dead in the eyes and said "I hope you are happy now!"
Salim came out to meet me by the door and gave me a warm hug....that made me pour out all the emotions that burdened me. It was about 10.30pm and I had slept-off.....there were no missed calls from chats...nothing! I turned to the other side of the bed and found Salim asleep. I moved over to him and cuddled up on his chest. He put his arms around me and kissed my fore-head....I told him Simon didn't call me and he said "your mouth stinks"....we both laughed and he said something to me that made my heart melt. He said to me..."you were never meant to be with him....but I'm glad I have you back!"
I slept in Salim's arms without any feel of guilt. By morning, he brought out an old gown I left at his place back in the days. I got dressed and went home. Simon was home....he greeted me with a hug and said we needed to talk. I was expecting a break-up from him....I didn't care anymore! He went down on his knees and begged me not to leave him....he said he had been really nasty to me and had realised that I would be forced into the arms of another man. Forced?...."I volunteered to have a man's arms around me"....I thought to myself. I felt no guilt.....but I could not tell him this! I pulled him up and told him it was fine, told him I was out with friends and we had alot to drink....I went up to sleep but spent well over 45mins chatting with Salim. I got up around 4pm....Simon had prepared lunch and ironed the clothes I brought out for work for the week ahead.
Monday morning at work.......I kept checking the clock in anticipation for luch time. I had a date with Salim at Dunes and I planned to call in sick after that so we could spend the whole day together before I had to return home. When Simon didn't see me at 8pm, he called and I told him we had one of those long meetings at Sheraton..."I'll sleep over at Nike's if we stay too long!"....told him I would call all the same. I always found it difficult to lie to Simon, but somehow I felt like being with Salim was a good-enough reason to. I spent the night at Salim's.....and I realised how much I had missed him with just the feel of his lips on mine. We were all over each other.....and this was all I be with Salim.
Getting to work the next day......Simon was there at my office, discussing with my boss....I went to meet them and Simon just said "hello" and walked out. My boss looked at me with judging eyes and I knew shit was about to go down! He said to me, "Miss Farida...sit down please, we have to talk"!
I got up from the bed to do a few chores without a word to him as I walked past him trying to make himself a cup of tea. He said goodmorning to me...I looked at him over my shoulders and smiled. After the chores, I had my bath, took my time to wear a full make-up (something I hadn't done in like forever), I picked out a nice dress, sandals and my bag....all the while I was dressing, I wasn't sure I was going anywhere. As I got to the door....I said to him..."I'll be out with friends....see you later"! He was about to say something when I shut the door and walked to my car. I started the engine, did a second check on my make-up through the rear-mirror....smiled and drove off!
I parked about three streets away to call very good friend....we actually had been naughty a few times but still remained good friends. When we were friends with benefits, there were no jealousy or fights or anything like was the best relationship i had ever been in. I drove to his house, quite close to my office and spent the entire afternoon telling him about Simon's new attitude and how it made me feel. What he did the previous night was the height of it all.....I could only believe that he made everything up just to have an excuse to hang-out with whoever that girl on the phone was. Salim thought I had to catch him red-handed before concluding on that! We took a drive in his car to the cinema.....had ice-cream and a few shots of Vodka and Coke. I needed to shop for a few things, so he took me to a super-store where I picked three bottles of different alcoholic wines....including Absolut!

Salim came out to meet me by the door and gave me a warm hug....that made me pour out all the emotions that burdened me. It was about 10.30pm and I had slept-off.....there were no missed calls from chats...nothing! I turned to the other side of the bed and found Salim asleep. I moved over to him and cuddled up on his chest. He put his arms around me and kissed my fore-head....I told him Simon didn't call me and he said "your mouth stinks"....we both laughed and he said something to me that made my heart melt. He said to me..."you were never meant to be with him....but I'm glad I have you back!"
I slept in Salim's arms without any feel of guilt. By morning, he brought out an old gown I left at his place back in the days. I got dressed and went home. Simon was home....he greeted me with a hug and said we needed to talk. I was expecting a break-up from him....I didn't care anymore! He went down on his knees and begged me not to leave him....he said he had been really nasty to me and had realised that I would be forced into the arms of another man. Forced?...."I volunteered to have a man's arms around me"....I thought to myself. I felt no guilt.....but I could not tell him this! I pulled him up and told him it was fine, told him I was out with friends and we had alot to drink....I went up to sleep but spent well over 45mins chatting with Salim. I got up around 4pm....Simon had prepared lunch and ironed the clothes I brought out for work for the week ahead.
Monday morning at work.......I kept checking the clock in anticipation for luch time. I had a date with Salim at Dunes and I planned to call in sick after that so we could spend the whole day together before I had to return home. When Simon didn't see me at 8pm, he called and I told him we had one of those long meetings at Sheraton..."I'll sleep over at Nike's if we stay too long!"....told him I would call all the same. I always found it difficult to lie to Simon, but somehow I felt like being with Salim was a good-enough reason to. I spent the night at Salim's.....and I realised how much I had missed him with just the feel of his lips on mine. We were all over each other.....and this was all I be with Salim.
Getting to work the next day......Simon was there at my office, discussing with my boss....I went to meet them and Simon just said "hello" and walked out. My boss looked at me with judging eyes and I knew shit was about to go down! He said to me, "Miss Farida...sit down please, we have to talk"!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
I clean the house, cook for him, wash his clothes, give him a massage, run errands for him, pick out his clothes everyday.....he practically owns my life! I have no plans for myself because he comes first. Usually, I don't count stuff like this...."I did this for you or did that just to please you...."; it has never been my thing.
Simon and I have been dating for about 8years....eight solid years, never had a break inbetween, not that the journey has been smooth. We fight at least every 2hours....but we make up almost immediately. We never go to bed without setting the records straight. Simon proposed to me like 3years into our relationship...ofcourse i said yes! He asked me to move into his 2bedroom flat in the heart of Abuja....the part of Abuja some people won't accept is Maitama. Anyway, we live together in Maitama.....he works at one of the big banks in Nigeria and is well paid. Every weekend, Simon takes me out and shops for me at the most expensive stores in Abuja. He caters for my every need and is such a gentleman......till I started working!
February 7th, 2012, I got a job as an Executive Manager at one of the Telephone Service Providers in Abuja with a whooping take home pay and an official car. When I broke the news to Simon, he was more than happy and even taught me how to drive in a week so I could drive myself to and from work. Initially, the whole shuttlinng between work and house chores were telling on me, but I managed to adjust to the changes. I cook for Simon every morning, and prepare lunch too when he has no time to go eat out...yes! I use my lunch time to prepare his lunch and end up tired and hungry because I have to rush back to work after sacrificing my lunch break. My friends all think I have been "jazzed" or that I'm just plain stupid! The other day, Nike was furious when I got suspended from work for reporting late....three times in a row. All my friends don't like Simon....but that didn't make me break-up with him. I love him so much!
Sometime in July, 2013.....I would never forget this day. Simon called me while I was at work and "ordered" me to come home to see the mess I had made in the kitchen in the name of cooking. I told him I had an urgent meeting in the next couple of minutes with my boss and the Board members, but he just got so furious and called me a "bitch"!!! I thought i heard, after the meeting ended at about 8:36pm, I rushed home....went straight to the kitchen to see the "mess" (which turned out to be a few dirty dishes and an oil stain on the kitchen floor) and to find out from Simon if I actually heard him call me THAT. I called out to him from the kitchen, to the sitting-room and found him sitting on the toilet floor cutting his nails.
"Hi sweets"...I said to him...."hey"...he replied! So I went straight to the point and asked him if he actually used the "B" word on me earlier on. He looked up at me and said..."you think I don't know how you got this stupid excuse to sleep around you call a job"? He just accused me of not only cheating o....but also sleeping around. Simon.....the man I have loved like a woman would love her husband......the same Simon I quarrelled with Biola over....Simon who I got suspended from work for and had over 20k deducted from my salary!!! I looked at him and walked out of the room to the kitchen. As I washed the dishes, I had a million questions flying through me. Is this love or am i scared of lonliness? Should I walk away or will it get better?....I went to the room, picked my official phone from my bag, and came back to the kitchen to call Nike.
Nike and I have been friends since child-hood.....we are like sisters. "Babe, I need to talk to you"...... I told her all that happened because I wasn't sure if I was wrong or just being selfish.......Simon has changed in just few months of my new job appointment. Nike said she would come over to the office at my lunch break so we could talk about the whole thing. Immediately I hung-up, Simon's voice startled me..."give me that phone!"....."who were you talking to?"....."you have even brought your whoring attitude to my house"......."I was talking to Nike" I replied...he ignored me and kept scrolling through the phone obviously searching for something to pin-point on me. After a few minutes, he stared at me and asked who I was talking to again.....I tried to explain to him that I don't have Nike's number saved on the phone but he didn't believe me. He just smiled and said " are just a pathetic liar"......he stormed out of the house and didn't come back home that night. At 2:23am, he mistakenly dialled my number and I heard him having a conversation with another woman!
He came back the next day after the close of work with an Estee Lauder perfume for me to say sorry for over-reacting the night before.....or was it for the guilt that was eating him up?
Simon and I have been dating for about 8years....eight solid years, never had a break inbetween, not that the journey has been smooth. We fight at least every 2hours....but we make up almost immediately. We never go to bed without setting the records straight. Simon proposed to me like 3years into our relationship...ofcourse i said yes! He asked me to move into his 2bedroom flat in the heart of Abuja....the part of Abuja some people won't accept is Maitama. Anyway, we live together in Maitama.....he works at one of the big banks in Nigeria and is well paid. Every weekend, Simon takes me out and shops for me at the most expensive stores in Abuja. He caters for my every need and is such a gentleman......till I started working!
February 7th, 2012, I got a job as an Executive Manager at one of the Telephone Service Providers in Abuja with a whooping take home pay and an official car. When I broke the news to Simon, he was more than happy and even taught me how to drive in a week so I could drive myself to and from work. Initially, the whole shuttlinng between work and house chores were telling on me, but I managed to adjust to the changes. I cook for Simon every morning, and prepare lunch too when he has no time to go eat out...yes! I use my lunch time to prepare his lunch and end up tired and hungry because I have to rush back to work after sacrificing my lunch break. My friends all think I have been "jazzed" or that I'm just plain stupid! The other day, Nike was furious when I got suspended from work for reporting late....three times in a row. All my friends don't like Simon....but that didn't make me break-up with him. I love him so much!
Sometime in July, 2013.....I would never forget this day. Simon called me while I was at work and "ordered" me to come home to see the mess I had made in the kitchen in the name of cooking. I told him I had an urgent meeting in the next couple of minutes with my boss and the Board members, but he just got so furious and called me a "bitch"!!! I thought i heard, after the meeting ended at about 8:36pm, I rushed home....went straight to the kitchen to see the "mess" (which turned out to be a few dirty dishes and an oil stain on the kitchen floor) and to find out from Simon if I actually heard him call me THAT. I called out to him from the kitchen, to the sitting-room and found him sitting on the toilet floor cutting his nails.
"Hi sweets"...I said to him...."hey"...he replied! So I went straight to the point and asked him if he actually used the "B" word on me earlier on. He looked up at me and said..."you think I don't know how you got this stupid excuse to sleep around you call a job"? He just accused me of not only cheating o....but also sleeping around. Simon.....the man I have loved like a woman would love her husband......the same Simon I quarrelled with Biola over....Simon who I got suspended from work for and had over 20k deducted from my salary!!! I looked at him and walked out of the room to the kitchen. As I washed the dishes, I had a million questions flying through me. Is this love or am i scared of lonliness? Should I walk away or will it get better?....I went to the room, picked my official phone from my bag, and came back to the kitchen to call Nike.
Nike and I have been friends since child-hood.....we are like sisters. "Babe, I need to talk to you"...... I told her all that happened because I wasn't sure if I was wrong or just being selfish.......Simon has changed in just few months of my new job appointment. Nike said she would come over to the office at my lunch break so we could talk about the whole thing. Immediately I hung-up, Simon's voice startled me..."give me that phone!"....."who were you talking to?"....."you have even brought your whoring attitude to my house"......."I was talking to Nike" I replied...he ignored me and kept scrolling through the phone obviously searching for something to pin-point on me. After a few minutes, he stared at me and asked who I was talking to again.....I tried to explain to him that I don't have Nike's number saved on the phone but he didn't believe me. He just smiled and said " are just a pathetic liar"......he stormed out of the house and didn't come back home that night. At 2:23am, he mistakenly dialled my number and I heard him having a conversation with another woman!
He came back the next day after the close of work with an Estee Lauder perfume for me to say sorry for over-reacting the night before.....or was it for the guilt that was eating him up?
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
I became a full woman in the arms of my husband...Demola Badmus. From the birth of our first son to the third, he stayed faithful and loved me every inch of the way. Even when I was painfully unbearable and irritating. How did I allow myself to lose myself....throw myself away at just the glance of a younger man's pelvic region? The taste of that sinful scent of Damon's hormones rushing through my system and rubbing all over my sweaty skin...all it took to find me, Adeshina, in this level of almost nothingness!
Sitting infront of Demola and staring on d floor at the piece of Durex pack and Damon's brief in his hand....."Demola", I said...."we have been married for all these years and with the sight of a condom pack and strange briefs, you already boil as though you caught a man atop of me?" And as I waited to hear what next would come, I tried so hard for a tear-drop but nothing happened. So I just put my face in my palms and cried (crocodile tears), I sobbed and started to pack my things and threatened to pack out of the house. I dragged one luggage after the other to the corridor as I struggled for tears. Walking back to the room, Demola held and kissed me, "I realise my wrong Shinie, it's work and a lot of stress lately. I haven't had time for you and I feel so guilty...I'm so sorry"!
I held his hands and dragged him out to the green-house for a talk and also to give Damon the chance to get out of my husband's closet. We talked for over an hour and a half and I realised I had blinded myself from my husband's personal and official struggles. I had completely turned into a stranger in the blink of an eye. While we talked, Damon walked towards the gate, probably going to spend the night out. As he passed the green-house, he neither greeted my husband and I nor looked our direction. Demola called out at him and waved but he just walked on like he didn't hear his name. I was hurt by the disrespect Damon showed to my husband. I decided that I would talk to him and end the whole thing. It just wasn't worth it....I have what most women fast and pray for....I had it all!
The next day, at about 1pm or so, I made sure all the doors were locked because I didn't want any more surprises from Damon. I got to the kitchen to start preparing lunch, opened the door and pulled the net down for air, the ventilator had been bad for weeks now. Demola said he would bring the kids back from school since extra lessons were over and their exams would start the next week. I had the last batch of potatoes in the frying pan and was almost through arranging the dinning for the kids' lunch. Demola's rice was packed in his lunch carriage.....I was almost done. With a sigh of relief, I was glad that I was returning to my normal faithful wife mode and not the careless and typical whore I was evolving from. As I returned to the kitchen, after putting the final touch to the dinning table, I met Damon standing right outside the kitchen. I rushed to him as I immediately recalled his rudeness to my husband. "Damon, why were you so disrespectful to my husband yesterday evening?" I asked. "Do you realise that you could have let him know something was going on between us with that attitude of yours?" I added. He kept looking at me without saying a word. I decided to ignore him and walk away only to be held still by the words Damon said to me....

Demola returned with the children from school, greeted me warmly with a hug and a peck on my forehead. He walked up the stairs and didn't come back down immediately. A few steps up the stairs to check if he was alright and I heard the door-bell. I ran down to see who it parents, my elder sister and my closest friend who was meant to be in Johannesburg. Damon wasn't threatening me after all.......he was right! I ran up to meet boxes were right infront of our bedroom, I could hear Demola sobbing. I jumped over the boxes and grabbed him from the back, the tears I tried to force out less than 24hours ago came rushing down like waterfalls. I begged......I begged like my life depended on our life actually depended on our home, the children between us and my husband. Demola looked me in the eyes and said..."I only wanted the truth from you Adeshina....and I waited till the minute I called your parents for you to call me and tell me the truth, but you didn't!"
My mother took the children to the kiddies while I sat there on the floor, miserable and numb. Demola explained to my parents and Ronke my friend how he had suspected me from the night I stormed out on him only to return at past midnight all soaked by the rain. He never read my chat messages like I thought. He even came back home the day I slept with Damon on our matrimonial bed and met him still sleeping......naked. He asked Damon to go into the wardrobe. All the act I put up...faking tears and dragging my boxes out of the room......he watched me patiently as I deceived myself. Demola!!! father mother friend couldn't even look at me. He said he invited them to hear and see that he hadn't done me any wrong, he wanted them to come because he had made up his mind to stay single and be the best father to his, not our anymore....his children. Whenever Demola talked that way, I knew that was his final decision. And as soft as he seemed, he was strong at heart, and he had made up his mind.
In less than 3months, I had ruined something that has been precious to me for a life-time. My children, my home that I built and husband who has loved me, provided for me, cared for me and stayed faithful and honest to me. Today, I am single, I see my children once every month, I work as a customer care agent in one of the banks, I have money and can afford whatever I want....Damon still calls me, but I haven't seen him since our last discussion...when he told me my husband knew about us.....Damon moved out but Osifo still lives there. I am seen as a rich lady to my colleagues, as a lady who owns everything.....but I have nothing. Demola and our three lovely sons were my wealth and riches, without them, I am nothing!
My name name is Adeshina.....The Single and Miserable Divorcee!
Friday, February 7, 2014
was startled by the sound of the cock-crow. I never stay asleep till this hour…it’s
almost 7am and I haven’t even had the kids breakfast ready. I have to bath
them, prepare their lunch and Demola’s as well. Goodness! I didn’t even turn
the heater on last night.
I rushed down the stairs, struggling with my dressing robe and the scarf I tied
over the towel I used in soaking up my wet hair from last night, I was greeted
by the kids and Demola at the dining table. Demola had prepared the kids for
school and even had their lunch packed up in their lunch bags. At that moment, I
remembered his words to me the previous night……
slept off with my phone in my hand, wondering if Demola read the chats between I
and Damon or did he just keep the phone for me? What if he didn’t read any of
the messages….i know my husband isn’t the snoopy type, but what if he did and isn’t
just saying anything about it? My head was about to burst with all these
thoughts. I walked slowly to the dining to check if there was anything left to
be done, and to my amazement…everything was in place, just as I would have them
done. I look up at Demola, he had been staring at me the whole time because I met
his eyes fixed on me. He smiled and said…” you must have been really tired last
night….you obviously out-did yourself”…and I just smiled and said…”thank you
for your help….i really was tired”. He had this look I couldn’t explain and it
made me very uneasy. I just could not stand being looked that way…like he was
judging me. So, I dashed to the kitchen hoping to find some work to do….something
to keep me busy till they leave the house.

I dumped myself on the couch and wondered what my next move should be. I had to
come up with something incase Demola asked about the chats and who it was. I edited
Damon’s name on my BBM and he had is sister’s picture up. So….that could save
me. Just to double-check I was safe, I went back from when we started chatting
and as lucky as I was, I had disabled the chat history….so, with what I had
read, Demola would only think I was being too friendly. That’s fair enough.
took a cold shower since I went back to sleep just a few minutes past 10am….alone
in the entire compound with no activities from Damon. After changing all the
channels, I sat down to watch a Yoruba movie on Africa Magic Yoruba. They have
movies that stand out from the regular home videos. Just as I was getting to
understand the storyline of the movies, I got scared out of my skin by a tickle
on the sides of my neck….it was Damon! “how did you manage to get into the
house?”….i kept looking from the door to him and wondering how he ever was able
to get in. I never leave the doors unlocked. I asked him to go out the back
door because I couldn’t risk Demola coming….he doesn’t usually come home for
lunch, but since I believe he has reasons to suspect me, I needed to play clean. Getting out the back
door, Damon starts to literarily eat me up. I push him off a few times and
finally succumbed to his claws. After the session, I told him about Demola
reading the chats and how he’s been acting funny lately. Damon didn’t think it
was strange, instead he said it served Demola right for ignoring me and my “woman
needs”. That wasn’t a fair thing to say to a husband that I love…..loved….maybe
still love him a little, but it still wasn’t fair to him.
and I sat in the kitchen and talked about a lot of things. His plans for the
future after service and where he planned to settle. He said he wanted to
remain here in Abuja with me…..i wasn’t expecting that so I asked him if he wouldn’t
want to get married…have children….”your life cant end with me, I have a family
and I guess there just isn’t anything I could ask for again”….Damon didn’t allow
me finish before he barked furiously at me saying “you are my life and this is
where I belong…with you!” I asked him to calm down so we don’t get heard but he
just wouldn’t take any of that. He reminded me of my promise to him and how he
would never leave me or let me go. Am I dreaming? Is all of this happening to
me? Could this be true?
obviously is getting obsessed with me and its taking a wrong direction. This
could fold my marriage up. God! What can I do to just end this? “You plan to
get rid of me….you want to end this and go on with your happy life and family
and just dump me after very well using me”….”you are wicked and soulless”.
have really outdone myself with this whole mess. Damon just kept pacing in the
kitchen and I was trying to find the right word to calm him down. As I go close
to him, the only thing I found myself doing was wrapping and clinging all over
his body. Kissing him and craving him with every push he gave me. The more I kissed
him, the angrier he seemed to get and I just loved it because I knew deep
within him that he wanted me even more than I wanted him. I looked him in the
eyes and asked him to come with me. I led him to my matrimonial room and pushed
him on the bed. I undressed him and allowed him do the same….i told him he was
my man and that he needed to prove it to me. He grabbed me and threw himself
over me with all passion of love written over his face…in his eyes and I could
feel it in the breath from his nose.
had nothing to do; Demola already packed the kid’s lunch and his in the
morning. I don’t prepare dinner till about 4.30pm just after I get the kids
from school and before Demola returns from work. We were laying in my
matrimonial bed…I and a stranger that I am in-love with….or in-lust with. He is
younger, he is naïve, he isn’t so far from a teenager but he is more than the
man I can boast of my husband when it comes to THIS business. Damon is every
woman’s dream….every cheating woman’s dream…lol! I can’t believe I actually
cheat on my husband….and the way I love it and don’t feel bit guilty doing it.

wake Damon up and ask him it’s time to go because I need to go get ready to
prepare dinner and tidy up. I rushed to
the kitchen and realised the beef was frozen; I can’t believe I forgot to bring
it out earlier on. Even the stew I planned to use for the rice was still in the
freezer. Thank God for micro-wave, I forced them all out and timed them on high-heat
and 10mins while I boiled the rice and prepared the salad. With everything
almost ready, I set the table and run the hot water for both the kids and their
dad. Just as I dropped the juice on the table, Demola walked in with the kids
running to the table.
a smile, Demola just said “hello Shina”….he never greets me that way. After washing
the children’s hands and serving their meals, I go up the stairs to find out
what was wrong with Demola. Going up the stairs….I remember that I didn’t double-check
to be sure Damon actually got up when I woke him or if the room was without any
evidence of what had happened earlier on. I was about to just run back down the
stairs when I heard Demola call out on me like an angry father to a child. My heart
started to thump in my chest and my mouth grew dry. Was I to run or just be
normal……maybe nothing was wrong. He could just be in a bad mood after all. Getting
to the room and almost peeping through the corner of the door, I saw Demola
with his back turned against the door and looking down to the bed. I tried to
get a clear view to see if Damon still laid there. “Come inside and shut the
door”…Demola said, almost like he saw me peeping.
me with red briefs in his hands and his finger pointing at a torn out piece of
Durex condom pack on the rug……my mind just went blank as I could see Damon’s
skin in the wardrobe! He never got up when I woke him and he was still naked…..Demola
always opens the wardrobe to drop his briefcase and hang his tie…..and I am
standing there with no answer whatsoever as to who owns the red briefs and what
a piece of Durex pack was doing on the floor of our matrimonial room.
am Adeshina…..THE CHEATING WIFE!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
husband left the house for work in a very uneasy mood.......and I really don't
care so much. Since I and Damon had this thing of ours kicked-off, I haven't
bothered much about anything else except looking good and younger....if
possible! Been thinking why Demola left the house in that mood
though....goodness!!! Could it be?
few days ago when my husband promised to surprise me when he got back from work
after almost a decade of "celibacy-by-force", it was meant to be a
night of ultimate satisfaction and relieve. Would have been if Demola wasn't to
so good at what he does as extra-curriculum!. Can't get that
off my mind still. Okay...back to Mr. Demola's mood swings. My husband got back
from work at about 5pm as usual, heard his car pull up at the garage. I sprayed
my body through the sheer night-gown I hadn't wore since Valentine’s Day from
like a year plus. Deep inside, I knew I wasn't preparing myself for my husband,
I was just trying my best to get every scent of Damon off my body....just
husband in his very old-fashioned way...came singing up the stairs and into the
room. I laid there already bored and praying he gets an urgent phone call from
a client asking him to come immediately....better still, take the next
available flight to Port Harcourt or somewhere really far. I tried so hard to
smile and pretended to be excited, it worked because Demola kept teasing and
acted like I was some sort of machine and he was working with the manual. Every
now and then, he would look up to see if he was getting it right. He was so least I know that now! I was glad when he finished, I could not
wait for him to be done. I really am not looking forward to it ever again!!!
morning, I watch Damon walk out the gate, I also run off to the backyard as
soon as I sight him from the balcony coming in. This day, Sunday.....I've had a
billion things to do. Most of the things I got from the market where lying
around on the kitchen floor and in the sink. So I took out the time to get all
of that sorted out including getting the kids' school things ready for the
week. My family aren't church goers par say, but we pay our tithes when the
time comes and attend Thanksgiving services.
a warm bath, I decided to spend some time with the kids at their section of our
duplex. Every now and then I check my Blackberry phone hoping to see the red
light blink…hopefully a chat from Damon. I hadn’t seen Damon since early
evening yesterday, and it’s very unusual of him not to say anything to me. I
have sent him quite a number of chat messages and still haven’t gotten a single
reply from him. Okay….i need to calm down, we just had that thing of ours once…why
this feeling of jealousy? Or could it be love???
eyes have been fixed on the clock…’s been over 24hours since I set eyes on
Damon….he has become a sweet fever to my system. So, instead of killing myself
by worrying over a stranger who I barely know…or so…I decided to go sit out in
the hut with Demola. I got my husband to build a hut on the right corner of our
home…a bit close to the garage. Our kids call it the “green-house”. It’s made
out of transparent green glass, has thatch for a roof and a wooden door that
opens upward supported by a stick attached to it. The floor is covered with carpet
grass; it has green sprayed woven chairs, a table and an old fashioned ceiling
tried to start a conversation with Demola, it’s been more difficult having a
normal husband and wife life with him since I and Damon kicked-off with our
little game.
about 7.30pm, my family and I just had dinner. I gave the kids a warm bath and
tucked them into bed….tomorrow’s Monday and they have to be up early. I joined
my husband downstairs in the living room to spend some time with him before he
went to bed, while we were having this discussion on the sorry situation of
electricity in the country, Demola shocks me off the chair by asking me…” how
did you like the love I made to you the other night”? Looking at him with so
much shock and surprise, I burst out into laughter….all the while I was
thinking of what to say and not actually laughing. The way he even said it…”the
love I made to you”…more like the love he made to himself. “Baby…” I said to
him, “everything from you is special to me and that’s all that matters”! We sat
there a bit longer with every part of me yearning for Damon and listening to
hear the sound of the gate swing open. Just as I was about ask what Demola
would like to take to work on Monday, my face was harassed by the slimy lips of
my husband…..i screamed at him as I got up the chair…”what in the world was
that for?” and before he could utter a word, I stormed into the kitchen. It was
a good reason to relieve myself from the painful boredom of sitting there
pretending to be happy.
pretty late and I can’t even believe that Damon would stay out for two nights. I
went out to the back-yard to check that all the security lights were on and that
nothing was left outside. The weather was getting cold and I could smell the
fresh air of rain…I hope it rains. As I was going out to the BQ to check that
the tap wasn’t left running, I heard the sound of the gate and Damon’s voice. My
heart skipped like a thousand times in 3 seconds. I brushed my hair backwards
and wiped the oil off the corner of my nose and on my forehead. I tried to act
normal and pretend that I didn’t notice that he was away since the previous day.
Just as I came out from behind the BQ, I was broken by the sight of Damon
coming towards his door with a girl. For about 10seconds, I couldn’t breathe. “Good
evening aunty, are you alright?”……bouncing out of my amazement, I replied to
him saying…”oh, Damon, how are you….where is Osifo?” he responds saying he was
tired and said Osifo went to Port Harcourt to see his Mum… he smiled and went
into the house. I was expecting more….plus he just called me Aunty! Is he even
serious? Is it because of the little brat who hasn’t stopped giggling since she
got into his apartment? So, he gets down with me and didn’t remember I was old
enough to be his Aunt, but the moment he found this little chipmunk he came
home with, I’m Aunty all of a sudden.
had my eyes on the BQ all through, noticing and monitoring every movement….I
start to hit and drop things hoping Damon would be so concerned and come check
on me. After close to thirty minutes without any sign of Damon, I did the
unthinkable. I walked up to his door, knocked on it and waited…hoping that the
girl he brought home doesn’t come to answer the door. Standing there, nervous
to my bones, and wondering what was taking him so long, I looked up to our
bedroom window to see if the light had been switched off. From the window
located at the back-yard, Demola would not be able to see me…I had my mother-care
stuff arranged right under the window, leaving no space for anyone to stand.

kissed me so deeply, had his hands exploring every part of my body…kissed my
neck and whispered in my ears, words I hadn’t heard in a very long time…”I love
you Ade….Shina, I love you”….I couldn’t reply, but he didn’t seem to care. He turned
me around; repositioning himself behind me….Damon’s “manliness” was rock-hard
against my ass. I tried to release myself from his hold even though I wanted so
much for him to hold me even tighter. I told him it was about to rain…just then
it started to drizzle. “Damon”…I called to him….”it’s drizzling”….”I don’t care….i
have been soaked and drowned by your love…nothing could exceed this feeling”,
he said!
the rain, our bodies concealed in the shadows of the dark clouds…the cool wind
ever increasing the passion. Damon made love to me….the second time… and
back to the room like a teenager who partied all night, I dashed straight to
the bathroom, Demola was fast asleep. I had a really hot shower with my eyes
closed…replaying Damon’s procedures on me. I still had his scent all over me….my
neck, my hands….my lips, even the taste in my mouth was of his fragrance. I walk
out of the shower, put on my husband’s old agbada, tied a small towel round my
hair to soak the wetness and held it tight with a scarf. With a sigh of relief….I
closed my eyes to sleep. But just then, Demola turns to face me, and while
looking at him and wondering how we have suddenly become strangers, his eyes
opened…like he hadn’t been sleeping and he asked where I had been…told him I was
upset and needed to clear my head. He pulls closer to me, pecks me on the cheek
and said…”everything will be alright….I love you no matter what”!

name is Adeshina….The Cheating Wife!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
I am blessed with the perfect home. A wonderful husband, three lovely sons and all the wealth a woman could ever dream of. I love my husband, I care for him without the feeling of doing too much, I prepare the kids for school every morning, pick them up, prepare lunch for both the kids and my husband, I drop his lunch off for him at work, do the laundry (with a washing machine ofcourse!).
I am the perfect wife, I never complain to my husband or anyone else and I don't nag him either. My husband provides everything for me even before I ask him to. He is just a wonderful man....and I am a lucky woman to be blessed with him. I love my husband so much!
We own a huge property here in Abuja, we split it in two and developed our present 6bedroom duplex on one half. We have a Boys' Quarters that is a two-bedroom flat, with bathrooms and a kitchen each. For over 3years we had nobody coming over to visit and the BQ just stayed there with not much care only on a monthly basis. I spoke with my husband about renting it out, but he just waved the idea aside. He was against bringing in strangers who would bring in friends (more strangers)....and other reasons. I have nothing against my husband's reasons, I just didn't like the idea of the place "wasting".
A few weeks after, my husband came home in the evening and told me he had considered renting out the BQ. I was glad because I already started thinking my husband didn't love me anymore.....he never turns down my requests, that's why! About 2months after, we had tenants - two Corps members (Males) and a married man whose family lives in Lagos. I was so happy to learn that our new tenants were all men....women can never be trusted. though I'm a stay-at-home mother of three....I still don't like the idea of having female tenants.
I dry our laundry at the back-yard of our beautiful duplex, that's where I have the ironing board for Simon (the guy who irons the clothes). Our BQ is also at the back-yard...where our three tenants live. Damon and Osifo are the Corps members, Damon stays home on Wednesdays, while Osifo stays home on Tuesdays. Mr. Hamza, my Kabba neighbour as I call him, is the married man who works all week and returns home at 8.45 almost everyday. These gentlemen are the best neighbours least I can say that for Mr. Hamza and Osifo.....Damon, hmmm.
It's been a little over 4months since the tenants into the BQ, and it's been very peaceful. April 16, 2011....I was spreading clothes in the yard, it was about 11a.m or so on a Wednesday. I discovered that the pegs had reduced in number but I managed them, just as I was heading back to the house through the kitchen, I realised that the ironing board was missing. It couldn't have been taken out of the compound, so I decided to look around hoping that Simon failed to put it back in the proper place. "Aunty good morning"....Damon greeted me from the BQ. I turned around almost shocked as I forgot it was his day off from work, the door had been closed so it didn't occur to me that anyone was home. A few moments later, he joined me out in the yard and said, "I noticed you were searching for something" as he walked out of the BQ with the ironing board in his hands, wearing white shorts, a black vest....he was bare-feet. It was almost like a beach scene from a movie. As he walked towards me, I imagined him moving in slow-motion....he looked so grown, so matured, I never imagined he was more than 22years because of his somewhat baby-face, but looking at him now, he could pass for a 28year old young man.

I got up and rushed out of the house to get ready to take him to the hospital, as I got into my house, I called Demola, my husband, explaining to him what had just happened and that I don't think lunch would be ready in time for his break. He understood and said not to worry, he'd call the family doctor to come over to the house. I went back to check that Damon was fine and to tell him the family doctor would be there soon. I ran not only into Damon's apartment, but into his nakedness....I practically ran into him, standing naked right infront of the door, just behind the curtains. in the bang of confusion and embarrassment that hit me at that moment, I got my dress caught in the door handle and hooked by a nail that was sticking out of the door. I tried as best as I could to stray loose from this uncomfortable hold, but nothing seemed to work except I rip the dress of the nail and the knob.
Just as I was pondering on how to get out of the situation, Damon came slowly behind me, his breath on my shoulder, he held my wrist and pushed my hand away from the knob, held my dress and pulled it out of the nail. I said thanks and tried to leave, but Damon stood in the way, still nude, I realised that at this point, what I had already done in my head, my body just found the opportunity to complete in reality.
For 7months, since Demola Jnr., our last son started school, my husband hadn't had the time to make me feel like a woman, not a kiss on my lips or his hands grabbing my ass...he hadn't even paid a mere compliment to my hair or the make-up I take out time to apply every day at 5p.m just before he gets home from work. I understand his job is so demanding but it's been 7 whole months....I am only 35years old and I still yearn to be made love to, to be admired, adored and kissed. My husband has not touched me in 7MONTHS....this thought kept replaying in my head as I beheld Damon's naked, perfectly built body right infront of me.
Almost like he could read my mind, he pulled me close to him and whispered to my face while he looked into my eyes..."you don't have to if you don't want to, and I will understand that you are a married woman, but I have admired you from the day we came here to clean the house"! He just reminded me of my marital status, what was I still doing there? I looked him with an expression that I would translate as "save me"!
.....I watched Doctor Toba clean and tend to Damon's stung ankle, he gave him an ointment to apply night and day around the affected area. After Dr. Toba left, I rushed to get the kids from school, bought them take-away packs from an eatery and dropped my husband's at his office. He kissed me and told me to be in the bedroom when he gets back from work..."I have a surprise for you Shinie"...that's what he calls me....what he called me!
Looking into the mirror, I saw how different I appeared to myself, I was younger, looked more vibrant. Was this because my husband said he has a surprise for me? or was this because.....the thoughts of Damon kissing me, his voice in my ears, his arms and fingers strolling down my thighs from my neck through my back.....was it because I had earlier been loved by a younger man? What if I don't feel a thing for my husband when he gets back home?......all these thoughts drowned my spirit. I thought about my kids, my family, the husband I have loved all my life. What if I lose all of this? My mind still goes back to worried as I was, I couldn't get him off my mind.
I have within a few minutes of playing Nurse Nightingale to Damon, turned to Rahab the Harlot.
My name is Adeshina.....The Cheating Wife!
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